Friday, August 7, 2009


Illusion, Illusion, all is pure illusion
Nothing seems real, nothing seems to exist
Everything lies, all is a vile act
What is truth? What is not?

I walk by the street, I see nothing but lies
Since sunrise to sunset I don’t find any truth
Only nature seems to truth tell
Only the sun meets his promise to shine

Illusion is what I see, all is pure illusion
The skeptic thinks he is right
The believer thinks the skeptic is not
What is truth? For God sake what?!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fragment From The Book of Life

I sat on the wooden piano and played the same song I played yesterday while moving my head with the contrapuntal of Bach, trying to get some peace. Trying to stop the black symphony trapped in my head. I stood up, bored of the same old peaceful contrapuntal that reminds me of you . For every song reminds me of your eyes and that bittersweet look you gave me on that patio that afternoon. I stood up and tried to walk nowhere. Ha-I laughed- “not even Bach can make me forget you.” it seems impossible! You hear? it’s the same black symphony playing again in my head, let’s try to play some Bach or Mozart…nah, it’s impossible. But I don’t know if I love you, you are too divine to love, I don’t know if it is even possible for a mortal man… I see you as Michelangelo saw David, maybe…

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Love is what burns inside of me
And I’m not ashamed of saying it
Is a truth that cannot be hidden
I love you and I’m happy of it.

Blessed by God be the day
When I found your beauty there
In front of me was shown
And suddenly, I fell in love.

First sight could be, my love
But how I know it still lasts!
It is not lie that my heart burns
Since the day I saw your face.

It may be impossible love
But in my dreams it is not
In my mind you’ll always be
I love you, my dear love.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Capitalism? Socialism? Or a new one?-Discussion

We have been witnesses of the terrible consequences of our economical systems throughout the last 50 years. First, the communism that offered a so-called fairness showed us how ruthless the ways to achieve this can be. Secondly, today we start to notice how unfair and useless the capitalism can be (I mean a wild, savage neoliberal communism). All of this is not less than evidence for us to question ourselves if we should create a new system.
When Marxism went out, it was applauded by a lot of intellectuals, writers and dreamers while sleeping in the opium of utopia. At the end of the 1950’s and the beginnings of the 1960’s Marxism(or scientific socialism) was considered the new promise, the savior of the workers, the rebellion against the aristocracy of industries; and ,again, it was applauded by intellectuals, artists ;some politicians, also, chose it as their political slogan. And so, countries were reformed by this supposed hero and people felt that their suffering was to disappear. Nevertheless, when some time passed and the crudeness of the system went out to light in countries such as Cuba, USSR, and China, people began to realize that they were wrong, that they were losing their identity, religion (the so-called opium of the people), and their liberty. They realize that they really made them all equal, but in poverty. After this, we know by history, the system collapsed (mostly) and people began to believe in capitalism again.
This capitalism was the new hero (although it was the villain for some intellectuals), was the new savior: “at least we keep our liberties”- some socialism victims stated . Capitalism was the opportunity to go and achieve goals. This system, however, made a machine of the man as communism did. Some people, again, realized that this system has never been fair with all. Nevertheless, no one listened to them – they didn’t want Marx‘s nor Mao’s! - And so, they were forgotten.
Today, as we draw the line to compare how imperfect and unfair these systems turned to be thanks to how our system is falling and how our economy is suffering, we question ourselves: is this system right?, are we doing the right thing? Or should we create a new system fair for all? I leave the question to you. Nor