Sunday, November 30, 2008

What You Think, What You Become

What you think, what you become.

I remember an anecdote of a woman who said :”when I was young I sweared that I would never marry a man with lastname Smith, nor work washing dishes; nevertheless I did”. So what should we conclude: our minds respond to our comands. It’s clear hat when we attempt not to forget something, we certaintly do, and is not funny when that happens because is the contrary of what we were trying not to do.

All of our thoughts are materialized in our lifes. For example: when a mother says: “William, do not break the expensive vase”, and she does realize that minutes later, the crack sound of the breaking vase is heard. My point is to tell youy, my friends, that is time to leave all of our negative thoughts, because what the mother of the example is doing is giving negative commands. Our minds work as a video taper; in the video you say something and the camera gets everything and, later on, it will show exacly what you say; the same way does work your mind, your unconscient mind or- as I call it- the mind of the back. Imagine your mind as a video taper, it will tape everything you say exacly the way you said it giving commands to you body to do exacly what you said. Because, my friends, it’s its job, isn’t it? The job of your brain is to control your body and your life, whatsoever.

Far from fantasies, we should realize that if we say “ I am Sick” in the moment of sicknesses you will be more, but if you say “ I am cured” even though you are not, your mind will give the command to your body to act, to send antibodies, and you- I assured you- will feel better ( probably not healthly now, but emocionally as first step). And is cientificly proven that your brain releases the Cerotonin and endorphins giving you the sensation of being good.
When a father says : my poor son, he is crying” you are giving him the command of being poor, you are wishing him bad luck with your words and you don’t want that, you want your son to be happy and wealthy and etcetera. Your thoughts are commands. You can change, also, the way you act. For example, we know the story of Demostenes, he could not talk very well, but he tried and studied and practiced with stones in his mouth, and he could, he turned to be a very good orator and speaker.

This really work, my friends, God gave you the power of thought and word, do not waste it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Revolutionary Election.

The election occurred November 4th, 2008 could be the most historical election ever happened in the historic annals of the United States of America. On this election for first time an African American was elected by popular and electoral vote: his name is Barack Hussein Obama and he is the new president of the United States of America. This election, however, was an election in which the traditional concept of presidency and vice-presidency was radically changed.

First of all, a woman presented officially her entrance to the race for the presidency, Hilary Clinton, which demonstrated the change in the conception of it. She represents the women’s revolution of men’s control. Nevertheless, Mr. Obama got more democratic votes and was officially nominated candidate of the party. She showed bravely how a woman could run in a presidential race. Secondly, John McCain surprised the world with the election of a woman, too, for the job of vice- president if he got elected. Anyways, this amazing race demonstrated the world that we, The United States Of America, are prepared for change.

It is well known that before this election, not too many African Americans, white Americans, Latinos and others voted, because they were not animated or inspirited to choose a president with almost the same characteristics as the others before him ; they had lost their credibility in politics . In this election in which so many problems were disputed, the two final candidates demonstrated that they were prepared, whoever would win, to assume the responsibility of leading a country with serious issues. They both, I consider, showed courage to make the promise of making to all American’s needs.

But, after passionate debates, after strong and expensive campaigns, the people had the last word; thus they chose Mr. Obama. Now, Mr. Obama will replace the unpopular George Bush (I am not saying that he is guilty of everything Americans blame him) and he is who will carry with all the problems of his administration. He now has the responsibility of leading this nation and its problems. I can just say that we should pray for him and help him as citizens of this country.