Thursday, August 28, 2008

THE SAINT OF THE DAY. Saint Agustine of Hippo.

Saint Augustine of Hippo, Saint of the Holy Catholic Church, is considered one of the most important saints and philosophers ever, not only in the churches is listened but in the whole intellectual world.
Today, August 28th, 2009 is his festivity in the Catholic Church, not only as a Saint but as a philosopher. He wrote lots of letters, books and sermons that made him famous and glorious. His intelligence and wisdom is today respected – even in other religions-; also, his phrase of “ Crede Ut Intelligas” and “ intelligas ut Crede” are the summary of his doctrine of Believe to think and think to believe.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Leonardo and his genius.

Leonardo Da Vinci is considered one of the most intelligent and multifaceted man in History. His art and inventions have been models to the society. Today, 489 years after his death, we still use technology and techniques that Leonardo invented or – at least- had been in his sketches before someone invented or began to use it. Nevertheless, today, his genius has been occulted by that repugnant Da Vinci’s code which has given him a mysterious and secret image, totally different from his real life and work.
He was born in Vinci –that is why we call him “Da Vinci- in 1452. His father was very influent and- we can say- rich. However, Leonardo was an illegitimate son and he was not allowed to be a bank man as his father. In those times, illegitimate sons were not able to be lawyers, politicians, bankers, and etcetera. The only ways they could choose were to be religious or to be artists. The young Leonardo chose it; so, he went to the taller of Andrea Verrocchio, where he discovered a lot of techniques in sculpture and painting. He demonstrated his talent and impressed every single apprentice in the taller. Even, because of a painting of Leonardo, his teacher solemnly renounced to painting. Thus, that moment is the proof of the genius of Da Vinci.
Leonardo and, of course, his works have been the inspiration of entire generations. Although a lot of artists were not recognized by the rich and by the public itself, he was. He worked for the Medici, for the king of France, thus his fame was for everyone’s recognized. However, was his attitude to make himself known what made him famous between rich and poor.
He began to create new techniques to make easy his work. Also, he ideate techniques to study the human body, because, he says himself, a real artist has to investigate the mysteries of the man and his anatomy- as we can see in the Vitruvius’s man. A real artist is ho ideates new techniques to explore scientifically the mystery of human anatomy. There are a lot of notes organized in his notebooks about those techniques and, even, manners of an artist. He is such a model for us of creativeness and intelligence.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The book of the week is a “Streetcar Named Desire” written by the great Tennessee Williams, which setting is New Orleans in the XX century. Is, actually, a book explaining the rare depressive sickness of a woman, whose name is Blanche Dubois. She comes to New Orleans running away from the sorrowful lost of Belle Reeve, which was the familiar home of the Family, going to the house of her sister, Stella,who is married with a Polish man whose brutish machismo is a very upset and terrible stay in her sister’s house . Is a book charged of realism and description, which symbolism is very notable.

Also, enjoy the movie directed byElia Kazan's with Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh and Kim Hunter. Enjoy.